Saturday, March 10, 2018

Feb 22- March 15, 2018

Feb 22- March 15, 2018

Our Yacht Club held its Commodore Ball with a surf and turf dinner and dancing.  Here we are with Cheri and David on buddy boat Blue Sky.

Bob continues to practice the tradition of blowing the conch shell at sunset.  He has really improved!

And he is also quite the lobster slayer with the pole spear!  Yum!!


Dana and Charlie came to visit!  We took the ferry to Hopetown, Elbow Cay one day. Very windy day at the top and Charlie loved it!


We played on the beach and in the pool, and relaxed in the hammocks.


Charlie tried out the conch.  And went kayaking with Dana.


So great to have them!

Then Carol flew home for a quick trip to see Mark and Amanda's new baby!  Sophia Josephine was born 3/11/18, weight 8lbs 7 oz.  Mom, Dad,  and baby doing well!  She is a cutie!

Back to Marsh Harbor for a few days. Always a party here! Margarita Madness with games and a bonfire on the beach, then the annual Bocce tournament.

The time has come to cross back to Florida.  There is a favorable weather window. We will miss the Bahama islands!