Monday, November 10, 2014

Nov 6- Nov 10 Extended stay in Charleston, SC

Nov 5- Anchored in a salt marsh about 30 miles outside Charleston - great sunset:

Nov 6- There is a lot of current and very large tidal differences here in South Carolina. A 5-6 foot  tidal
 range is normal, very different than the Chesapeake.  Our low tides are magnified by the full moon.

We docked at The Charleston Harbor Marina, part of a resort hotel. Pool, bicycles, free trolley to town.  We are situated by The Ravnel Bridge.  It is a an eight lane cable-stayed bridge, is the 3rd largest in the US (2.7 miles long) and has a full walk/bike path.

Our first day we went to Patriot's Point and toured an aircraft carrier (USS Yorktown), a submarine (USS Clamagore), and a destroyer (USS Laffey - which survived a kamikaze raid in WWII). The size and workings of the aircraft carrier were amazing!
We are docked right behind the sub

watch your head in the sub!
USS Yortown

Carol on the Command Bridge
Amazing how skinny a destroyer is
Nov 7- The mechanic came today and worked all day but wasn't able to make much progress. Temp 80 degrees and Carol swam in the pool. Took the trolley into Charleston for the evening.  What a cool city with its historic harbor front. Tons of bars and restaurants. Think Annapolis x 10! Very preppy. We ate at a "community table" by the bar at Hanks on the suggestion of a boat neighbor. Charleston College is located close by and has a big fleet of sailboats for students use in our marina.  Many cadets in town from the Citadel in uniform, also makes you feel like you are in Annapolis.

Nov 8-  Mechanic back.  Unfortunately now it looks like we need some parts ordered.  Oh well… There are certainly worse places to be stuck! We have heard the phrase that cruising is "having your boat fixed in exotic places"!  Met up with some other cruising friends from Rock Hall, MD in Charleston for dinner.

Nov 9- Its Sunday,  no mechanic, so we decided to just have fun today.  Took a long bike ride to Mt Pleasant, a quaint village with nice waterfront on the back creeks of Charleston.

Notice shrimp boats in back...

Yeah palms trees
 Also had time for some needed grooming.
Bob before haircut

Hopefully mechanic will be back tomorrow.

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