Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Nov 27- Dec 1 Warmer in Florida!

Fri Nov 27-
A much nicer day, wind from behind, sunny and warmer. We enjoyed seeing eagles today. Dolphins are everywhere now.

Spent the night at Camachee Cove Marina in St Augustine.  The marina offered a free loaner car, so we went into town and explored, then made a grocery run and short walk on the St Augustine beach (you can drive right out on the beach).
Felt weird driving a car instead of a boat

St Augustine beach - very rough at the Inlet

Sat Nov 28-
Carol's college friend, Joanne Gonzalez was in town from California, visiting her sister.  Joanne came out to our marina and had breakfast onboard. Wonderful to catch up!

The Bridge of Lions in St Augustine is said to be one of the prettiest bridges on the ICW.

We then started back on our southern trek and headed to Daytona.
Beautiful homes and many high rise ocean front condos - really looks like Florida now.

We met a couple at a wedding last spring who live on the ICW in Ormond Beach. They had offered to let us stay on their dock when we passed through. So, we called them up and made an attempt, but our boat draws too much water and it didn't work out.  Bummer.  Anchored out by one of the bridges in Daytona Beach.

Sun Nov 29-
Today was Florida weather- sunny and beautiful, spent the day in shorts! Came into Titusville, where you can see the Space Shuttle Assembly building from 20 miles away.
This is about 10 miles away - assembly building on right, launch pad on left.

Travelled through the Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River- very picturesque. Saw white pelicans today. A friend of Bob's from work, Holly, and her husband read our blog and contacted us.  Holly and Jack winter on Merritt Island nearby where we spent the night.  They drove over to our marina and took us out to dinner at a local hangout called Dixieland Crossing.  A wonderful dinner and so nice to see them!  We will be stopping by on the return trip to visit with them again.
Bob, Holly, Carol then Jack L to R

Mon Dec 1-
We have been onboard 6 weeks now! Another beautiful day! We made our longest run, 73 miles, to Vero Beach.  There is a mooring field the city runs and is quite popular. They run out of mooring balls, so you raft up with other boats. Our neighbors were an English couple who have been cruising for years. Today we also were passed by a boat we met while cruising with cousins in Annapolis - a 65ft Hatteras with Graham and Michelle aboard.  What a small world. They are traveling to their new home on the gulf coast of Florida.  We had dinner aboard their boat, Sea Drive, and what a beautiful boat.  It actually had a regular sized kitchen and dishwasher. Luxurious! Graham and Michelle are friends of Carol's cousins.
A selfie of Bob, Michelle, Carol and Graham

We are noticing fewer marshes now and more mangrove shorelines with lots of fisherman.

This is a sight we are seeing everyday in Florida - no doubt victims of passed hurricanes.

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