Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 5-13 Pilot House Marina Key Largo

Feb 5-13
We are enjoying staying at Pilot House Marina this month. We continue to use the pool nearby, doing water aerobics and master's swim practice. Biking to the grocery store.

Larry and Millie Midash, Bob's brother's bother in law stopped by for a visit while RV'ing through the Keys.  Had a nice lunch out!

Something we don't talk about much in this blog is boat maintenance.
Its Carol's job to defrost the refrigerator monthly. What- why don't we have a frost free frig ? We paid $1500 for the unit and Bob installed it himself. Bob explained we have to use a type of refrigeration that our solar panels can supply sufficient power to. Defrosting the frig involves removing all items then diving down into the countertop about chest deep with hot cloths to melt the ice on the plate. Doesn't take too long, but its a workout!

We have also been working on refinishing our exterior teak.   Hours of hand scraping, stripping, sanding and "bleaching" the teak in preparation for days of multi-layers of varnish - a true labor of love.
bow sprit ready for new varnish

Basically, everyday there is something broken or leaking on a boat. Seriously! Right now its the hot water heater with a slow leak.  To get to it, the cockpit lazarette has to be completely emptied out, the water heater drained and the fittings retightened.

 Love to go scuba diving! We have been several times, its chilly, but the reefs are very nice.  Bob has a GoPro camera he is learning to use.  Even attended a 2hr GoPro class at the local Divers Direct store.  Hopefully the future pictures will be better.
Heading out diving
Carol "down under"

4ft nurse shark - we love to find sharks!
3ft southern string ray
File fish with divers in background

I took about 125 underwater shots but won't bore you with so many.

Dana, Chad and Charlie arrive tomorrow for a visit!

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