Friday, January 22, 2016

Dec 21- Jan 21, 2016 Marathon

Dec 22- Jan 21, 2016
Its been a whole month since our last blog!  We flew home at Christmas to spend a week with our family. Got back to Marathon and have spent a relaxing month in the harbor on a secure mooring ball.
We have gotten to know our boat neighbors and also had some out of town visitors!

Here are some pix from the month!

New Year's Day- My kind of Polar Bear Plunge!
Tried free yoga in the park with fellow cruisers.

Carol's friend , Jeri, visiting Key West from Ohio.
Burgers with fellow cruisers from Rock Hall.
Ann and Henry (previous dock neighbors in Rock Hall) met us in Key West for lunch.  They took the fast ferry from Marco Island to Key West for the day.
Spent some time at the local Sombrero Beach.
Tried fishing in the mangroves- Unsuccessful!
Entered the Chili Cook-Off. Here are the competitors in the poultry division.  Carol did not win, but had a lot of fun!

Did some never ending teak work

Dana, Chad, and Charlie came to visit. Unfortunately we had a cold spell, but we still had a wonderful time.

Cool dude!

Charlie on his first dinghy ride.  He wasn't too sure about this.

Liz and Ray, from North Carolina, were down at the same time as our daughter's family.  They even let us do our laundry at their rental place!
Liz and Ray daysailing with us to Sombrero Reef.
The guys went fishing one day and we cooked the catch at Liz and Ray's house!

Porgies, yellow tails and snappers.
Great meal!!!

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