Saturday, December 19, 2015

11/30-12/20 Life on the hook in Marathon

Nov 30- Dec 20

We have been in Marathon for 3 weeks now.
Marathon is about 2/3 of the way south in the Florida Keys island chain.
We are on a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor, along with about 300 other boats. Sitting on our boat we have watched dolphins fish, and seen manatees, eagle rays, and turtles swim by.

Pepromenon at mooring
Lots of friendly cruisers here and lots to do. This is a municipal marina and the facilities are a lot like camping!
Lobby area has computer tables, lending library and TV lounge

Laundry room always busy.  We head in at 7am on laundry days

Luxurious bathrooms-haha!

Dinghy parking lot for going ashore
The pump out boat comes by weekly to pump out the holding tank- very convenient!

We have taken the bus down to Key West.
Trying a sampler at the new brewery in Key West

Selfie at Mile Marker 0

We have tried lobstering. Need some bigger ones to be legal and keep!

We have taken the boat out to Sombrero Lighthouse and snorkeled on the reef and cleaned the bottom of the boat. The reef was surprisingly alive. Bob even scared up a nurse shark.

Our bikes are handy transportation to the grocery store and exploring the island. Fresh fish is abundant down here and we have tried several local restaurants. There are even a few we can take the dinghy to.
Christmas tree made from lobster pots
 We watched the annual Christmas boat parade.

And Santa visited the local bar at Happy Hour!

Fellow cruisers organized a potluck brunch and it was delicious. Carol even made a coffee cake in our oven.
Brunch at the marina tiki hut.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

11/28-11/29 Miami to Marathon, Florida Keys

Nov 28-
We said goodbye to Miami!

With wind from the northeast, we put up the jib and flew down Biscayne Bay, through Card Sound, Barnes Sounds, Tarpon Basin, Buttonwood Bay and anchored in Cowpen Cut for the night.  This was just off Tavernier.
We trolled a fishing line with a lure behind us- but nothing… as usual!
We were all alone at anchor and watched a spectacular sun set into the water.

Once again, we missed the "green flash" people claim they see down here. We attributed this to not having another cocktail! Maybe tomorrow!

Nov 29-
Still windy and wavy from the north, so we pushed to make it to Marathon in 2 days. Used the jib again.  Out in Florida Bay, we were alone except for an occasional fishing boat.  It was shallow- 6-9 feet is the norm.  We draw 4 foot, and saw as low as 4'6".
We picked up a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor in Marathon on Vaca Key and plan to stay here about 6 weeks.  This was a favorite spot last year. There are about 300 live aboard boats in this natural protected harbor and lots going on.
Views of Boot Key Harbor mooring field

Sunday, November 29, 2015

11/16-11/27 2 weeks in Miami

Nov 16-27

We spent two weeks in Miami at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club.  Its a casual club with very friendly people. Some have their own boats, others share the club's boats.
It was very windy, day after day, so we were fortunate to be in this protected spot! And not out in the exposed Biscayne Bay!
Took some mornings to do some boat chores that were needed after our trip south. Scrubbing the deck, oiling teak below decks.

We toured Villa Vizcaya, a replica of an Italian villa built at the beginning of this century by a wealthy Chicago businessman. Very ornate!

Villa Vizcaya from Biscayne Bay waterfront

Barge out in front of the villa that served as a breakwater.  It was decorated with mermaids and  goddesses.

Inside in the parlor
In the gardens

Went to an authentic Cuban cuisine restaurant, Sergio's, for a delicious meal.

Hopped on a plane to North Carolina for a weekend!  We attended Bob's nephew's wedding.  Now Mr and Mrs David and Jaclyn Hartzell.

First dance as husband and wife- David and Jaclyn Hartzell

Great to have Lee and Brit join us!
Bob with his sister, Randee, brother, Rock and their mother

Back to Miami!
Had lunch with Joan and Haydn Samuel, our homeport marina neighbors.  They are retired from sailing now and we miss them! They were visiting their son here in "The Grove".

Watched some practice sail races.

And celebrated Thanksgiving with Carol's college friend, Joanne from California. Joanne's son and his wife live in South Beach and Joanne came to visit. Carol had spent Thanksgiving with Joanne exactly 40 years ago when Joanne invited Carol home to New Jersey as freshmen in college.

Carol and Joanne- friends since college
Joanne and her friend Greg
Walking around 

 South Beach for Thanksgiving! Joanne's condo overlooked the beach.

Monday, November 16, 2015

11/10-11/15 Welcome to Miami!

Nov 10-
From Vero Beach we travelled to Hobe Sound near Jupiter.  The inlets were beautiful with blue green water! We had a visitor alongside the boat for awhile early in the morning.

The weather was warm and we went for a swim after anchoring.

Nov 11
On to Lake Boca Raton. Mansions now line the ICW and keep us entertained.

Ft Lauderdale area

Lots of mega yachts!

At our anchorage, the water was so clear we could see the anchor resting on the bottom.  Then an eagle ray swam by!
Today we passed through 20 drawbridges.

Bob needed a nap after a stressful day of drawbridges!

Nov 12
More drawbridges! Very hot now, 90 degrees, which is unusual for November we are told. Made it to just north of Miami. Went for a swim again.
Floridians love to party on the sandbars!
A police boat came by and felt we were anchored too close to some mega mansions, so we moved a bit father out.

Nov 13
Into Miami!

We got lucky and rented a mooring ball at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club on Biscayne Bay.  The mooring field is very protected and is downtown Coconut Grove.
We immediately walked to our favorite grocery store, The Fresh Market and had some Cuban sandwiches cooked up.

Nov 14-15
Turns out it was members work weekend at "the club". What else did we have to do? So, we joined in.  Bob worked on building a wall, and Carol was assigned to sewing projects.  It ended up being a lot of fun and we met lots of local sailors!  Rain and thunderstorms off and on all weekend!


They fed us lunch and kept a keg running!
The painting crew
 We plan to stay here in Miami for 2 weeks.

Monday, November 9, 2015

11/3-11/10 Down the Florida coast

Henry Flagler's fancy hotel is now Flagler College
Nov 3-4
We pulled into the mooring field at St Augustine Municipal Marina for a 2 day stay. This is a party town and we enjoyed dining out at OC Whites, and A1A Brewery among others. We attended a Cruisers get together at Casa Maya on their lovely backyard porch. Walked around Flagler College which was previously Henry Flagler's very fancy hotel.  It is spectacular! Fountains and incredible tile and wood carvings.
We have started running into boaters we met along the way either on this trip or last year's trip.
Pepromenon has a new nickname- "Pep". Its too frustrating spelling this name to all the bridge operators!

Pepromenon moored in front of the fort downtown St Augustine

Bridge of Lions- The only drawbridge with a stoplight

Nov 5
Departed for New Smyrna Beach.  A 65 mile day. That's a long day going 5-6 knots. Mangroves now line the ICW.  And its getting hot! A bit too hot! We anchored at Ponce Inlet at Rockhouse Creek.  The anchorage has beautiful water since its an inlet.  There is a large breakwater that protects the anchorage.  We could hear waves all night long.

Nov 6

We travelled on to Dragon Point on the Indian River. Another 11 hour day. We grilled out and hit the sack early.

A pretty rainbow

Nov 7-9
On to Vero Beach, one of our favorite stops.  Mooring balls are very reasonable, the marina has a boater's lounge with TV, and the city runs a free bus system.  We had some boat parts sent here and Bob fixed the auto pilot and leaky head! We rode the bus to town for groceries, did laundry, got propane and enjoyed a little R and R at the beach. We ran into Hannya and David who we met on last year's trip.  They are from England and have been cruising for 22 years. We revisited Waldo's at the Driftwood Inn for an oceanside lunch with live music.

Free city bus picks you up at the marina
Bob's new "Miami shoes".  He picked them out himself!  Reminds me of the Miami Vice TV show. He may need a gold chain to go with them.

Our English friends, David and Hannya on Odyssey