Sunday, November 29, 2015

11/16-11/27 2 weeks in Miami

Nov 16-27

We spent two weeks in Miami at the Coconut Grove Sailing Club.  Its a casual club with very friendly people. Some have their own boats, others share the club's boats.
It was very windy, day after day, so we were fortunate to be in this protected spot! And not out in the exposed Biscayne Bay!
Took some mornings to do some boat chores that were needed after our trip south. Scrubbing the deck, oiling teak below decks.

We toured Villa Vizcaya, a replica of an Italian villa built at the beginning of this century by a wealthy Chicago businessman. Very ornate!

Villa Vizcaya from Biscayne Bay waterfront

Barge out in front of the villa that served as a breakwater.  It was decorated with mermaids and  goddesses.

Inside in the parlor
In the gardens

Went to an authentic Cuban cuisine restaurant, Sergio's, for a delicious meal.

Hopped on a plane to North Carolina for a weekend!  We attended Bob's nephew's wedding.  Now Mr and Mrs David and Jaclyn Hartzell.

First dance as husband and wife- David and Jaclyn Hartzell

Great to have Lee and Brit join us!
Bob with his sister, Randee, brother, Rock and their mother

Back to Miami!
Had lunch with Joan and Haydn Samuel, our homeport marina neighbors.  They are retired from sailing now and we miss them! They were visiting their son here in "The Grove".

Watched some practice sail races.

And celebrated Thanksgiving with Carol's college friend, Joanne from California. Joanne's son and his wife live in South Beach and Joanne came to visit. Carol had spent Thanksgiving with Joanne exactly 40 years ago when Joanne invited Carol home to New Jersey as freshmen in college.

Carol and Joanne- friends since college
Joanne and her friend Greg
Walking around 

 South Beach for Thanksgiving! Joanne's condo overlooked the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Loved, loved, loved our time with Carol and Bob. They were initiated to some of our family "games" and beverages. Go Bob go! They even got a little laundry done while the turkey cooked. Like I said on Thanksgiving we came truly as pilgrims and natives by land, by air and by sea. So fun! So proud of you two.
