Saturday, December 5, 2015

11/28-11/29 Miami to Marathon, Florida Keys

Nov 28-
We said goodbye to Miami!

With wind from the northeast, we put up the jib and flew down Biscayne Bay, through Card Sound, Barnes Sounds, Tarpon Basin, Buttonwood Bay and anchored in Cowpen Cut for the night.  This was just off Tavernier.
We trolled a fishing line with a lure behind us- but nothing… as usual!
We were all alone at anchor and watched a spectacular sun set into the water.

Once again, we missed the "green flash" people claim they see down here. We attributed this to not having another cocktail! Maybe tomorrow!

Nov 29-
Still windy and wavy from the north, so we pushed to make it to Marathon in 2 days. Used the jib again.  Out in Florida Bay, we were alone except for an occasional fishing boat.  It was shallow- 6-9 feet is the norm.  We draw 4 foot, and saw as low as 4'6".
We picked up a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor in Marathon on Vaca Key and plan to stay here about 6 weeks.  This was a favorite spot last year. There are about 300 live aboard boats in this natural protected harbor and lots going on.
Views of Boot Key Harbor mooring field

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